Sunday, May 16, 2010

Entry #8--Maymester Retrospective

It's been a pretty eventful three weeks! While a big part of me is breathing a huge sigh of relief that it's almost over and summer's almost here and I'll get to go home soon, I'm really going to miss this!

Your obligatory Chatham squirrel photograph.

I feel like I've learned a lot in this class. Some of the literary analysis flew over my head, but it was still a worthwhile experience. I think reading Richard Louv's text had the biggest impact on me personally, since I'm planning on being a teacher. I think a lot of his information was directly relevant to me as it spoke so much of children and how to connect them with nature. It obviously also had an impact on me, and I've found myself spending much more time outside as a result of reading this book.

Reading the books...well...that was an interesting experience. You've already heard my rants if you've read the other entries, but at the same time, I do appreciate that I have a new appreciation for Watership Down, as well as getting the chance to finally read [and like] The Secret Garden. I...yeah. I should just stop there before I get started.

Working in the garden, though, has by far been my favorite part of this class. I know I'm not much of a gardener, but I've resolved to try to dabble some more in gardening over the summer. My mom gardens, so I could definitely help out there. It's something I've been wanting to do for a really long time, and I figure, now's the perfect time to start!

So while the class is almost over, who knows? I may keep updating this journal even past that...apparently, I'll be living in the environmental house on campus next year, so I'll have more to write about then, hopefully :)

My favorite natural inhabitant <3>

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